Sunday, 2 November 2008

If You Can Laugh at it You Can Survive It

Bill Cosby has been known to say "If you can laugh at it, you can survive it" With today's economic down turn many people may need a good laugh to get a break from the stress of the day. Humor is a great way to reduce the unwanted effects of stress.
Many of us feel awkward joking about the losses we have taken on our 401k or other stock investments. It is hard to find anything funny about the number of houses being foreclosed in this country. Many may even consider it inappropriate or insensitive to joke about it. However when we laugh at difficult situations it tends to make them a little easier to deal with. Many cancer patients use humor to deal with there physical situation and feel better.
It has been known scientifically that the best thing you can do is to provide a humorous environment and "forget" about the stressful situation for a while. Sitting around and dwelling on the situation will not help much and will make you feel worse.
One characteristic of the person who does well during tough times is the ability to often put the stressful situation in the background for periods of time. A good laugh is a great way to escape the current situation without the use of drugs or alcohol.
Watch a funny movie or stand up comedy video clip go to a comedy club and you will get a nice escape from your problems. Laughing has physical and mental benefits as well. Studies show that laughter is a effective way to combat stress and improve blood flow. Just as the doctors on Mash used practical jokes to deal with stress we can do the same. Play a practical joke on a friend or co-worker and you will both get a welcome relief from the problems of the day.
There are a number of web sites that offer some good clean practical jokes if you need some ideas. With a little humor and laughter we will survive the current economic situation and prove once again that Cosby was right when he said "If you can laugh at it you can survive it".
By Mark Doyle
Go to to enjoy free comedy clips from top headliners and "Funnier Than Famous" Comics
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If you really want to lighten up someone's mood then provide them with a little present from the online world. Give them doctors excuses and watch tha

If you really want to lighten up someone's mood then provide them with a little present from the online world. Give them doctors excuses and watch that frown turn upside down. If you have someone in the family who's a prankster then this is the perfect gift for them. They can use them in any situation for tons of laughs. No one will appreciate these great gifts more! And they're not that expensive. You can purchase a set of fake doctors excuses online for a reasonable price.
There are all kinds of hilarious situations that these fake doctors excuses can be used for. If you decide to keep your excuses and not give them as a gift then you can use them whenever anyone asks you to wash the car, mow the lawn, do the dishes, feed the dog, put out the cat, rake the leaves, vacuum the carpet, clean out the garage, clean out your room and many more!
When someone in your family asks you to do one of these chores simply present your doctors excuses and you're home free! Just write on your excuse that you're "too sick" to do anything other than "lay in front of the television watching cartoons!" This can be a really funny situation. Just be careful of course to do whatever it is you're being asked to do. These fake doctors excuses are a license to have a good laugh (not actually get out of doing household chores!).
So if you want to have a really funny and unique gift to give to someone for a birthday, Christmas, office party, or some other party or get together then try doctors excuses. They're a fun alternative to other "boring" presents.

If you really want to lighten up someone's mood then provide them with a little present from the online world. Give them doctors excuses and watch tha

If you really want to lighten up someone's mood then provide them with a little present from the online world. Give them doctors excuses and watch that frown turn upside down. If you have someone in the family who's a prankster then this is the perfect gift for them. They can use them in any situation for tons of laughs. No one will appreciate these great gifts more! And they're not that expensive. You can purchase a set of fake doctors excuses online for a reasonable price.
There are all kinds of hilarious situations that these fake doctors excuses can be used for. If you decide to keep your excuses and not give them as a gift then you can use them whenever anyone asks you to wash the car, mow the lawn, do the dishes, feed the dog, put out the cat, rake the leaves, vacuum the carpet, clean out the garage, clean out your room and many more!
When someone in your family asks you to do one of these chores simply present your doctors excuses and you're home free! Just write on your excuse that you're "too sick" to do anything other than "lay in front of the television watching cartoons!" This can be a really funny situation. Just be careful of course to do whatever it is you're being asked to do. These fake doctors excuses are a license to have a good laugh (not actually get out of doing household chores!).
So if you want to have a really funny and unique gift to give to someone for a birthday, Christmas, office party, or some other party or get together then try doctors excuses. They're a fun alternative to other "boring" presents.
I've had to make a few changes aboard my truck. Well, only one really, my GPS, she's gone too far.
It's been coming for a while now but I guess I was putting it off. You know how it is, you get into a relationship, know it's going bad but you just don't know how to end it. You stew about it, procrastinate as the tension grows and then suddenly BAM! You're in the middle of a crisis you knew was coming but were totally unprepared for.
You probably noticed I call her 'she'. What else would I call her? She has a woman's voice, British. Oh sure, she sounded ever so polite and kind at first, kind of like Mary Poppins! Dutiful like there was nothing I could ask of her that she wouldn't do for me. If I asked her to take me some place she was only too happy to oblige. Life on the road was going to be easy, I thought. She was infallible!
But familiarity breeds contempt, as they say, and soon little things began happening. "Recalculating," she would say if I didn't follow her directions exactly. "Recalculating." At first I took that to mean that she was acquiescing to my wishes, her acknowledgement of my superior status aboard the truck. "Recalculating."
Then I noticed she seemed to be saying it with more of an edge, giving subtle voice to her disdain for my directional decisions. "Recalculating." At first I panicked whenever she said it, thinking I had gone wrong, made some fatal mistake. Then I found myself wincing every time she said it. I'd try to hide my deviation from her route (note I call it 'her route'. I mean, come on, she's a machine!). Try as I might, she caught me every time I turned away from 'her' route. "Recalculating," she said and I swear I heard her sigh as she said it.
Then other things started happening. She started taking me the wrong way. Not the wrong way really, but not the right way either. I think it was her way of showing her independence. I remember I needed to get to a plant where I was due to deliver a load. She took me to within sight of the place but then told me to turn into a veteran's hospital to get there. Getting out of that place took about ten minutes of backing and filling. Once we got there she said 'turn right' when I could plainly see that we were supposed to turn left. I turned left.
"Recalculating." Her response was icy, cold. I felt like I had Princess Diana in the truck and she was having a royal snit.
It got to the point where I stopped talking to her. It was clear I was not going to change her thinking. No matter how I reasoned with her she was unrelenting in her opinions and if I dared to cross her, the only response was her haughty and superior 'recalculating.' Oh, how I grew to hate that word!
We finally came to an impasse, literally. She had me on a back road into a little town in Illinois not far from where I am now. We'd been on this narrow back road for what seemed like an awfully long time. We went through villages, over narrow bridges, around blind curves, up and down hills and now as we were approaching the destination I came around a curve and face to face with a low bridge. My truck and trailer are 13 feet 6 inches tall, she knows that! The bridge was not quite two lanes wide and only 10 feet 6 inches tall. I had to slam on the brakes before I rammed the roof of my truck into it! I sat in silence, collecting myself. "You knew this bridge was here, didn't you?"
"Yes," she said in a neutral voice.
"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you bring me this way?"
"What difference does it make? You don't listen to me anyway."
"If I didn't listen to you," I said, "we wouldn't be here right now! How am I going to get out of here?"
There was a long silence, then, "recalculating."
Then there was another voice from deep within me. It said, "Hey, you're talking to your GPS. Doesn't that strike you as being a little odd?"
"What's odd," I responded, "is that she's answering."
"Time to make change," the voice said to me. "You're talking to me, too."
So I have made a change. While she was, uh - 'asleep' - I disconnected her voice. I replaced it with a man's voice, a guy who sounds like he knows where he's going, a guy who isn't going to give me a bum steer. Just this evening I plugged in a request for new directions to my destination for tomorrow.
"Thanks," he said with flat calmness. "I'll see what I can do. I'm sure I can find this location. I'll get right on it."
Okay, I'm already nervous.
John Egan, writer, photographer, businessman, teacher, school bus and Over the Road truck driver, sees himself as a traveler, not merely over highways, but through life. Author of screenplays and several books including a novel he's writing about the truck driving from one man's perspective, Egan gives his unique slant on a variety of topics from truck driving to politics, often with a twist of humor and a clear insight that sheds new light on familiar topics. "Traveler" his trucking handle, describes Egan perfectly.
Egan writes of his experiences over the road on his blog, "A Road Like a River" and picks opportunities to give an opinion or two along the way.
Born in Ohio, Egan has lived in the southwest for over forty years (as he says, "I was born in Ohio but I grew up in New Mexico, Egan lives in southern Colorado with his wife and son.
Join him for the ride. It's more than just a trucker's log, it's a journey of the soul, a journey down the road, the road like a river.
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It has been suggested that an Elephant never forgets. I cannot verify this, I do not know many elephants. I do not know many facts to be true about elephants. On a recent trip to a zoo and the elephant exhibit, a zoo representative did fill us in on the size of an elephants vagina. I will offer that to anyone on a need to know basis and I do not think anyone really needs to know.
It has also been suggested that a gold fish has a memory that lasts no longer than 3 seconds. This is not true.
Goldfish have been trained to navigate mazes and can recognize their owners after a period of exposure equivalent to several months.
You see I would have never known this. I think my record for sustaining the life of a gold fish is about ten days.
In that brief period of time they never seemed to learn their name and never swam to the edge of the bowl to greet me when I got home from work.
I thought I had trained one once to play dead but then I realized that it was in fact dead. My thrill of accomplishing the impossible by training a gold fish to perform a trick was soon taken over by guilt and humiliation as I flushed the poor creature down the toilet. Perhaps I had worked the fish too hard.
Who performs these studies anyway? Do they get paid for it? Are they under the influence of narcotics and Cool Ranch Doritos when they come up with them?
I find particularly disturbing the concept that they can be trained to navigate a maze.
Why is this disturbing to me? My wife will be the first to tell you, and also take the most pleasure out of revealing that I am the only person she knows that has difficulty figuring out how to get out of a parking lot.
When my wife reads this article she will undoubtedly state that I must have the mind the size of a gold fish to which I will reply no honey I do not have the mind the size of a gold fish I simply have a memory smaller than that of a gold fish.
That is something completely different. I think.
Dan Bimrose is the creator of a website devoted to making people think, laugh or cry. Daily Opinions, Editorials, and Stories He suggests dropping bread crumbs so that you can find your way back on a daily basis. Dan has also just unveiled his latest website which provides a convenient place for people to discover the latest DVD movies which have been released at their local video store.
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